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“There are few things certain in life – one is death, second is change and the other is waste.” No one can stop these things to take place in our lives. But with better management we can prepare ourselves. Here we will talk about waste and waste management. Each of us has a right to clean air, water and food. This right can be fulfilled by maintaining a clear and healthy environment. The degradation of environment is a global concern and its protection has no confines. One of the main causes of environmental degradation is improper management in the handling of household waste and it has been observed to be one of the major causes of pollution and outbreak of diseases in many parts of the world i.e., household waste is a major environmental and public health problem, especially for the large cities in any country.


Now for the first question, what is waste? Any material which is not needed by the owner, producer or processor is waste. Generally, waste is defined as at the end of the product life cycle and is disposed of in landfills. Most businesses define waste as “anything that does not create value”. In a common man’s eye anything that is unwanted or not useful is garbage or waste. However scientifically speaking there is no waste as such in the world. Almost all the components of solid waste have some potential if it is converted or treated in a scientific manner.




Session will cover Classification of waste on the basis of physical state, chemical properties and biological nature; Problems like Design, Planning, segregation, storage, Handling & transportation, awareness, treatment, and impact on our biosphere. Further the policies, strategies, controls (source correction, engineering control & administrative controls), consultation and participation of citizen and encouragement of their effective participation because waste management lead to severe impact on Soil, Air & water which provides basic material for the survival of life. 








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